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February 19, 2009


Account Deleted

Haha. That innocent design reminds me of a less-than-innocent picture.

Samit Sarkar

Haha, awesome. There's a photo of Tyler Perry goatse somewhere, featuring me and Dtoider Velcroman, from the very first NY NARP...I'll see if I can dig it up.

Samit Sarkar

Hm...apparently, I waited too long to edit.

Anyway, I FOUND IT!!! Here it is, in Pedro's photostream! It was totally a spur-of-the-moment thing, too. (In case you couldn't figure it out, my hand is on the left, and Velcro's is on the right).


Aaaaaaah hah hah. I liked that photo so much I favorited it :P


Gah, so wrong. But now I must find it in the game..

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