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April 13, 2009



totally unrelated but the LinkWithin widget on your blog is tres cool. i tried adding it but it didn't work on my blog. will keep trying...

oh and i always love your posts. such interesting globs of information. >-<


Yeah just found LinkWithin on Everything TypePad today! Sometimes it may take an hour or so for the widget to search your blog and create suggestions, so give it time ;)

Thank you Kimmie! Miss yoooo.


Ms. Frizle is not only inside of you, she was you. On that note, do we have anything even close to this magnitude of dorkiness in our childhood collage?


Naturally this came to mind when I was paging through the photos... I feel like our dorkiest moments growing up were recorded on video as opposed to photographed. Amirite? Like that video of you as a baby, enabling the singing baby worms in Cosmic Osmo on Daddy's Mac Classic. AMAZING.

I gotta figure out how to upload those gems on Youtube, dude.


Wow, fast reply is fast. Also, I agree with you on the Cosmic Osmo video. I thought that one baby was so cool. Like I could only wish I was that cool cool. But when it came to being nurdogenic (nurd-photogenic), I think our lack of prescription eyeware and public school upbringing prevented us from ending up in such adorably awkward pictures.

Also youtube upload should be easy enough. Teh fathers put em all on divids and you can handbrake them from there for youtube formating. Check it out next time your in the valley.


Dude, the entire library of Chow family videos was an all-inclusive bonus with the Terabite external I got for my last birthday. Will invest time in uploading the best of the best later... when I'm not doing a boat-load of work.


Holy shit.. I have like 2 scanned pics of me playing games.
In 1 I'm playing on my MSX .. some shoot em up
Then in the other I'm playing Ghouls 'n Ghosts on the Master System with like heaps of friends around me.
Man I miss those days when I'd take turns with all my friends trying to finish a game that was hard as hell.
Good times. Stinky socks though.


That's awesome, you should totally post them somewhere!


I'm there now : D 2nd picture


Wow awesome!!! Those are some great shots!

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