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« Bootleg trailer of James Cameron's film Avatar is incredible | Main | Harrison Ford -"My Wife! My Family!" »

August 21, 2009



Woo! Friday! Awesome video, with a very eerie resemblance. :)

The Shadow Complex issue definitely isn't too simple. Yeah you have the original author will will make some money from this, but I'd imagine the vast majority of the money will go to people who's stances and thoughts you don't know and may actually agree with.

Mind you I played the demo and absolutely HATED the control layout (despite really trying to like it), so it's a moot point for me anyways. ;)


that was an awesome video, i love the blood being paper scraps or whatever when he hacked the guy with an axe near the end.

really well done, and eerie resemblance to c bale's char

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