A month or so ago beloved game designer Keita Takahashi announced that he was leaving Namco Bandai to pursue projects of his own, a departure which many saw as a very great thing. Having expressed interest in working with other developers and continuing his efforts to design playgrounds, yesterday it was announced that he and his wife are starting their own company called uvula. According to their site...
We mainly work with music and video games. However we have started designing a playground recently. We want to widen our horizons. So we are glad if we make something new with you. thanks.
There we go. Now who's going to make something new and awesome with the Takahashis?
Be sure to check the site for Keita's status ("Whether I'm alive or I'm not alive") as well as some cool photos of Keita's former sculptural work. Exciting stuff!
Awesome! I can't wait to see what they produce.
Posted by: aquma | October 04, 2010 at 08:42 PM