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November 03, 2010


Colin Northway

Oh man, I love the Dongo series. Although I felt like DQ didnt live up to its open world promises.

Steve Calderon

I fully enjoyed Hall of Oats, and am looking forward to the sequel, Hall of Oats: Maneater


Those names are pretty goddamn awesome.


I was kind of lost on some of the Samurai and Ninja game names, but once I started churning out a bunch of Horror RPGs and Shooters, it was pretty easy.


MYSTERY TACO! and the second part, BURRITO TROUBLE!
I dig it!


Burrito Trouble is a *great* name for a game.

Maré Odomo

Tiffffffffffff, I love these naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaames!


So, someday Chow Chow AND Chow is real. Also, I like how Second Fantasy comes out before First Fantasy.


Great names!
Gargle Day & Sweat Plus are my faves


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