Friend and ever so talented graphic designer Cory Schmitz announced on his twitter about a day ago that printed copies of his second gaming magazine, The Controller, have finally arrived and are being prepped for distribution. Sister to his previous mag .EXP, The Controller features 60 pages of stunning artwork and articles from a variety of folk including Jacob Ferguson, Ashley Davis, Chris Furniss, Katie Turner, Maré Odomo, and many more! I got a sneak peak of the mag while hanging out with Cory at IndieCade, and it's a beaut. When it's out in the next few weeks you can pick it up over in the Attract Mode shop!
I too had the fortunate opportunity of contributing to The Controller, thanks to Cory. Remember all of those random drawings of food stuffs I was doing about a month ago? Well if you don't, they're all fan art for the game Deadly Premonition, and though the reference is pretty obscure you can see the full collection of drawings in the magazine! Below is an example of a [Turkey Sandwich], with more to come. I hope fans of DP will enjoy the piece.
Finally, folks in Seattle should not miss the opportunity to go to The Controller's launch party coming up on November 19th! There will be refreshments, art, and music to enjoy, and I'll try to send my original work up to Cory so he can put it up at the show. Check out this flyer for all the details.
Looking forward to getting my copy!