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this sketch speaks to my soul!


thanks pal!


Can I get one of my comments deleted, too? I feel left out.


I would like to see more coverage of Bea Arthur in this space. thx.


Boy o boy, you're in luck. Bea Arthur in space is one of the many exciting hot topics being worked on for Spring 2009! Abe Vigoda and his quest to the center of the earth is also on the list, so stay tuned!

Samit Sarkar



O HAI x2



Steve Calderon

Heeeeeeey buddy.







oh god why is it my real name and not brilliam


Are you the Jack to my Liz Lemon!!! (?)


I AM THE JACK TO EVERYTHING (except money) (and general electric) (and classy suits)

jeff | Booooooom

love your blog - just found it today following a link from my analytics - thanks for linking Booooooom! we have alot of similar interests! great to connect with you



Well hey there! Nice to see you! I love your blog too and it pertains to many of my interests, so its exciting to see you here.

Keep up the great work. Harts!

Ryan Furlong



Heheh, but seriously now. My name's Ryan Furlong and I came across your profile on linkedin. Some further digging resulted in me being really enthralled by your comparison between Toofer and Louis from L4D (I busted out laughing at work, too funny!).

Here's the dealio.... ugh, did I just seriously say "dealio"? Seriously though, I'm actually looking for a product manager for a client of mine here in the bay and was hoping maybe either you or anyone you know would be interested. It's for a gaming company that has an MMORPG over in China and they've recently moved into the North America market as well (which I know is dominated by WoW... because I play WoW way too much as it is).

If you could super duper please e-mail me back or call me that'd be really cool! My e-mail's [email protected] and my number's 925-398-7318. I also sent you a message on Facebook too.


Mike C


Thanks for stopping by to play some Little Big Planet with Garth & Thien. Garth forwarded me your Destructoid link to check out, but it seems like that's kind of crusty like bad foot jam.

I was cruising through this blog and liked your 12/23/08 drawing of the sludge person. It reminded me of some rank days in the Mission. Although the sludge is more odoriferous rather than being generated by hate, anger and violence.

We should get together sometime and catch a drink or play some more video games if you're up for it. Happy holidays!



"Oh,Hi" Tiff,

Just leaving my mark - as is the wonderful way of random surfing, I found your site by chance. Love your drawings and links - thanks!

Happy New Year to you and yours,

Iain :)


Hi there,
I really love the skyline graphic you created for the 'Toronto' theme on LiveJournal. I was hoping to use the image for the header of a blog I'm creating about Toronto. Can I have your permission to do this, if I reference you and your website in the profile info of the blog?
Thanks in advance for your answer! :)


Hey Amanda,
Thanks for your compliments! As much as I'd love to contribute that theme to your blog, unfortunately it belongs to Six Apart and their various services. Fortunately however, you should be able to find that theme available for use if you start a blog on Vox or TypePad. Good luck, and thanks for stopping by!


Hi Iain!
Great to see you stop by, and Happy New Year to you too!

Ryan Furlong

Tiff! You should get the new Nvidia 3d monitors and give em a whirl! They're totally sweet!

Paz Space

Hey there...I came across your site and had fun with the review. Since I am about calming the mind, accessing the heart, I found Bea Arthur in mind space chatter ironic. Feel Peace. Paz


Hey Paz! Thanks for stopping by. Let me know when you get your TypePad site up and running... I'd love to check it out!


Hey, Saw you from the co-op show. Will take a look at your blog. Best regards ~ Thomas


Hey Thomas, thanks for stopping by! Doing the CO-OP show was really great, and I hope they invite me to do it again :)


Just spotted you on Co-Op, but have read and enjoyed your stuff for a pretty long time (back at Dtoid and such). Hope to comment a lot here!

- Cody

Dan Zbichorski

I had a dream about miniature blue goats, so I googled it and came up with some stuffed goats you photographed (and maybe created as well?) They looked very similar to the goats in my dream. Anyway, that's why I'm here.



Hah! Yes, I made those blue goat plushes back in the day for some of the LiveJournal folks I worked with. I'm happy to know now that I have "Miniature Blue Goat" SEO now. Hehe. Thaks for stopping by!


Are you real? I'm convinced girls like you don't exist so you must be a robot or something. Love the opinions and appearances on Co-Op. Keep doin your thing.



Yes, I am real! It's a good thing you checked. I'm a fan of the CO-OP team, and I can only hope that they'll invite me over for a few more appearances in the future.

Thanks for stopping by!


Hi. I saw you on your recent appearance on the Co-op podcast (almost said 1up Show) and had to come check out your blog. I popped the RSS into my GReader and read what the last 10 stories were, the default number that Google shows you.

In those 10 stories you convinced me to keep you in my GReader for the foreseeable future, something no other "discovered" blog has convinced me of to date.

Good to see a fresh face on Co-op and keep up the good work.


Hi, are you coming to the exhibition tonight?!



Yep! See you there?


Oh hi! Neat stuff.

Keep on rocking the CO-OP.

All hail Cactus.


Gee wizzzuh! I'm a huge fan of your guys' stuff! Thanks for stopping by :D


I know you have great love for Noby Noby Boy and for custom converse so I figured you'd love these:


holy crap, those are radical! thanks for sharing :)


hey, it's jamie! the tetris muni girl! it was great meeting you and i hope to bump into you more often. it's good to find other female game enthusiasts who aren't in it for the boys.


Hi Jamie! Great to meet you too, let's keep in touch! I'll keep an eye out for you if I'm at any events... sounds like you're pretty knee-deep in the industry these days!


Hi Tiff!



Hi2u2! ^^

Marcus B

Oh hi! Tiff



Sean McManus

hi tiff. thanks for the comment on my blog :) all i need now is some decent content to go hand-in-hand with the face-punching-madness that is my stylesheet and i am totally good to go.

keep up the good work!


hey tiff. this is kenny. well, alright then, talk to you later!

p.s. your drawings are effin' dope. and that's no lie.


Hey Kenny, thanks for stopping by and checking out my drawings. I appreciate it :D! OK BAI!


TIFF SED: Bea Arthur in space is one of the many exciting hot topics being worked on for Spring 2009!

D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D:




Hi Tiff! I think you'll like this site The little girl's comments are so adorable yet scathing xD


You are so pretty,i saw you on the CO-OP Show,great designs!!
Best regards from México Tiff!


Hellooooooooooo, initially drawn in by your damn cuteness I am liking the design of your site. Very cool !


Thanks to everyone who's dropped by from CO-OP! Helllowwwww!


Oh Sasha, that site is so adorable! I kind of wish there were some video critiques just so I could hear her reactions... but it's very cute! Thanks for the link, I may blog about it ;)


Hi .tiff,

Will you be attending e3?



I've attended the past two years when I was still doing ye olde game journalism, but since I've left that profession aside for the time being I don't actually have the credentials to go this year! Oh well ;_;


your impression of crazy dave in plants vs zombies made me laugh A LOT, for quite a while! hilarious haha


Hah! Why thanks... funny story (which I'll touch on when I blog about the new episode), that segment was filmed after work when I was running the whole day on 2 hours of sleep! When I watched it for the first time I realized that my antics were a little kooky due to my lack of sleep. Glad it made you laugh though :)

James Stavrinides

First of all, I really like the blog (was directed here by Co-op).

Second, why do you use TypePad? I have a blog in its infancy, I'm considering switching to either WordPress or this before I start actively writing. I figured I'd get the advice with a popular user.


eloooooooooooooooooooo lol

love the site, sent you a messaged on 1up! keep up the good work.




thats invisibleB not "inisibleB" lol kinda takes the irony outa the name.


Hey Tiff! I just wanted to drop in and say hello! I've become a fan of yours lately after watching you in CO-OP. Your're pretty awesome! Keep up the great work!


Hey Jordan! Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog :) Hope to see you in the comments!


I think i'm in love with you.


O Hai! This seems like something you would like:


Holy crap, that is something that I do like!

Josh Renaud

Hi Tiff, I looked you up because I was seeking the designer who created the cool cityscape layouts I find in my newly-upgraded MT blog. I'm really impressed!

(my only wish is that you had a St. Louis Arch cityscape to go with them!)


Hey Josh, thanks for the compliments! I worked on those a long time ago when I was designing. If we ever spark up the cityscapes again, I'll keep the St. Louis Arch in mind!


It is coming true!!


the whole Mummies, Yetis, Astronauts thing that is.


A friend of mine pointed this out to me on Twitter. I *totally* called it, plus Sam Raimi is making a Yeti movie (!

I AM THE QUEENMEME. Okay maybe not, but I can at least call dibs on this one.


You might not be "QUEENMEME" but you are the absolute fantastically amazing shit!


Astronazis! haha!

I thought you would like more Astronaut things.


Haha, I love that whole episode.


Hi Tiff!

I'm starting a blog where I play old games and do art based on them.

I have two posts up so far. I hope I don't stop.

I would like if you would check it out and tell me what you think of my ridiculous painting of wario. Just click my name.

Jordan Spizike

I just sent this post to a bunch of my friends as I agree with most of what you’re saying here and the way you’ve presented it is awesome.

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