Right now I'm still drawing as much as I possibly can, which is pretty fun. I'm inventing small projects for my own amusement, which have ranged everywhere from portraits of beautiful Six Apart colleagues, to Kate Bush fan art, to these illustrated game covers.
Based off game titles listed in this Game Dev Story post, I drew the game covers for a handful of the "Game Kid" games I developed. My favorites of the ten are Silent Nose and Ghostly Nips, and given the chance I think I'd definitely have a try at Hall of Oats, the Hall & Oates musical adventure RPG. Guess I just have to work harder at owning a game publishing company. See an additional three illustrated game covers here.
As for the other drawings I've been working on, they're all a random range of people and things and Christmas dogs. In an attempt to separate this blog and my tumblr blog from being flooded with me me me, I've created PANCAKE AMERICAN to showcase all of my recent works, if you're interested, as well as a Cargo portfolio. Enjoy! Now, back to drawing some more.