For a variety of reasons, I've been suffering a crippling "fever" of stress recently. And this "fever", this "fever" can only be cured by one thing... more Fallout 3.
I gave Fallout 3 a first shot almost a year ago but honestly didn't have the time or motivation to get into it back then. It didn't help that when I first booted it up I was surrounded by a handful of my roommates, which for whatever reason put a lot of awkward pressure on me as to how quickly and "awesome" my customized personal avatar was. This left me with a Wasteland hipster dude named Bobbin with an imminent identity crisis. Ultimately we just couldn't get along (it's not you, it's how I designed you, Bobbin).
On my second go with Fallout 3 the lovely Ramona came into my post-apocalyptic life. I may have taken more than an hour to carefully configure her physical looks and S.P.E.C.I.A.L. traits but it was well worth it. She's pretty much my ideal alter-ego (better even, than my old Rockband avatar): a badass Asian lady with a silver-grey mohawk. Spirit like Tank Girl, heart like a Care Bear. Just the way I would want my Wasteland persona to be.
Ramona and I were a match made in the Capital Wasteland, and last night I finished the game with embarrassingly good karma (I mean it when I said "heart like a Care Bear"). That said, naturally there were points in the game where I meddled with chaos and headshots at innocents, bringing out Ramona's untapped wickedness. These sudden bouts of violence were of course quickly followed by loading a wholesome previous save, though sometime I let the weight of smaller evils carry with us so we wouldn't forget. Like the time I beat Tunnel Snake leader Butch to death with a baseball bat. That was absolutely awful.
There was also that one time I ran down all my Karma in Megaton.
It was right before bedtime and I had already saved the game at my own private shack in Megaton. Steph was still finishing up Plants vs. Zombies on his iPad, so I decided to play the "Kill everyone in Megaton" game. It too, was pretty awful, but I was bored, curious and wanted to see what items I could pry from the cold bodies of my Mega-friends.
I had probably destroyed 70% of the town's population when the town Sheriff, Lucas Simms, started to chase me around shouting things like "No one gets away with murder in my town!" and other disappointed phrases on repeat. I figured now that he turned into a red stick on my HUD, as soon as he got close enough he would start shooting-to-kill.
Strange thing is, he didn't. Lucas Simms followed me into houses, and when I exited, suddenly somehow there he was again, shouting that I was a bad person. When I ran towards him, he floated backwards, but when I ran away he followed close behind. Assuming that it was a definite glitch that he wasn't shooting at me, I cornered him into my apartment hoping to set some sort of attack mechanism off so that I would have good reason to shoot back at him. But he didn't, and worse yet, he was smiling. A chilling, permanent ear to ear grin.
And that's... when I turned off the game.
*clicks off flashlight*